Missouri State's College of Natural and Applied Sciences will be hosting a lecture titled "The Devil is in the Details" by Gautam Bhattacharyya on April 5 at 7:30 p.m. in Temple 002.
As an ongoing effort to generate greater student interest, engagement, and ultimately, learning, instructors at all levels and of all disciplines continue to make significant changes to the way they teach. Often, considerable financial resources are spent to reconfigure classrooms to facilitate collaborative learning or to purchase devices that encourage different forms of communication within a classroom. After expending their many and earnest efforts, however, instructors are often left perplexed by the results of student assessments--both cognitive and affective. In the end, many are left to ponder about questions such as, "why isn't group work successful sometimes?" or "why did only some of my real-world examples engage the students?"
In addressing these and other questions, I present key characteristics of the learning process and identify activities and practices conducive to supporting these important aspects of learning. Using evidence from the science education research literature, I describe implementation and execution of these instructional methods in ways that maximize the possibility of student learning.
This event is open to all!
Please visit the CNAS page for more information: https://science.missouristate.edu