+ Students who have completed kindergarten or first grade during the 2016-17 school year
+ $75/FOZ member, $90/non-member
+ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm each day
Summer Kick-Off 2-Day Camp
Summer is finally here and Dickerson Park Zoo is bustling. In this two-day camp, we will learn something special about how the zoo runs! Students will find out how the exhibits work, how the keepers take care of the animals, and enrich the animals' lives. This is a jam-packed camp filled with zoo exploration, animal encounters, crafts, games, and memories to last a lifetime. We might get messy, so please wear clothes you don't mind getting wet or dirty. Bring a sack lunch that does not require refrigeration.
#240 Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23 and 24
#241 Friday and Saturday, May 26 and 27