GGP Seminar: Todd Halihan - "Electrical Hydrogeology: A Picture is Worth 1000 Wells
Date and time: 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM, February 21, 2018
Description: GGP Seminar by Dr. Todd Halihan, "Electrical Hydrogeology: A Picture is Worth 1000 Wells"
Mankind uses economics, politics and basic instincts to make decisions about water. However, the data on the hydrologic cycle suggests we are developing water incorrectly for two basic reasons. The first is our instincts are built upon water that is visible, so we ignore evapotranspiration which causes salinization, reduced water availability, and increased infrastructure costs. The second is our development of water preceded satellite data and computing power. This resulted in ignoring complicated groundwater systems that need to be defined on the meter scale and adopting simple concepts like dams and center pivot irrigation that do not require significant data management. A framework to improve our water resources will be presented as well as some case studies on how these problems present themselves.
Speaker Bio:
Todd Halihan, Ph.D., P.Gp., is a professor of geology at Oklahoma State University and chief technical officer for Aestus LLC. His professional interests center in subsurface characterization and sustainable water supply. Halihan has been an associate editor for Groundwater and has served as secretary-treasurer of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. He currently serves on the Oklahoma governor’s Coordinating Council on Seismic Activity.
Halihan has worked on more than 200 different research sites in more than 30 U.S. states and overseas. His international research work has occurred in Australia, Bahamas, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa, and a number of other countries. He has also worked extensively in his home state of Oklahoma evaluating the water resources issues.
Halihan is the recipient of the Karin and Robert J. Sternberg Award for Excellence, the Partners in Conservation Award from the U.S. Department of Interior and the Sterling L. Burks Award for Outstanding Environmental Research. He is a professional driller in the state of Oklahoma. He has provided input to stories on CBS, Fox News, NPR, CNBC, Popular Science, The New Yorker and The New York Times.
Event sponsor: Geography, Geology, and Planning Department
Admission:Free, Open to public, alumni, current students, faculty, future students, staff
Location: Temple Hall Room 345
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