MakeIT Meetup - RetroPie Game Console with Raspberry Pi
Where: The Library Center- Springfield 6-8 pm
Jason Klein will bring Raspberry Pi devices and walk through the entire process of setting up a RetroPie game console. What to expect:
Discussion of Raspberry Pi hardware, case, and game controller selection
Demonstration of assembling Raspberry Pi devices
Discussion of loading Raspberry Pi OS'es onto SD cards
Demonstration of loading of RetroPie image onto SD cards
Demonstration of first boot, connecting to network, and registering software
Discussion of loading game images (aka ROMS) onto RetroPie
Demonstration of playing games on RetroPie
Discussion of RetroPie game console features/capabilities on Raspberry Pi 3
Game Over
• What to bring
• Important to know
$10 to register
Snacks and drinks included
Email us at to register!