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SW MO IEEE Speaker Meeting

The first Southwest MO IEEE speaker meeting will be Thursday October 14th, 2021 at Noon in both live attendance and Virtual "Zoom" meeting formats.

Jeff Chapman and Dan Ernstmann, Consultants 1898 & Co./division of Burns and McDonnell, will present "Topics on Grid Modernization. The presentation summarizes a variety of studies and evaluations performed by 1898 & Co. on shaping the grid for meeting future electricity needs. Topics include:

  1. Improving grid resilience

  2. Holistic considerations for electric vehicle infrastructure

  3. Fleet electrification strategy

  4. Strategies for accommodating distributed and diverse energy resources

  5. Wireless implementation solution

This presentation addresses some of the ways in which 1898 & Co. is harnessing data, information, and technology to secure efficient and reliable operation of the grid.

Physical and Virtual meeting information is located below:

Multiple Site Location Available PLUS Zoom

Springfield: PCTR rm 1034, E-factory (Engineering building), Missouri State University 405 N Jefferson Av MO 65806

Joplin: ALLGEIER, MARTIN and ASSOCIATES, INC. (Conference Room 104) 7231 East 24th St, Joplin, MO 64804

College of Ozarks/Branson: Room 308 in the Dee Ann White Engineering Center on College of the Ozarks.  Light food and refreshments will be served at these locations


Via zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 932 3128 2313
Passcode: 618996
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The Zoom meeting will be extended for an additional 30 minutes for those interested in employment positions for Power Planning Engineer and Intern at 1898 & Co.

Abstract and Biographies:

1898 & Co. Presents Topics in Grid Modernization:

The emergence and subsequent proliferation of new grid technology is impacting every level of the electric power system. The traditional patterns associated with generation and consumption of electricity are changing at a rapid pace and the need for effective system planning and analysis is more vital than ever as utilities continue their efforts to provide high reliability and quality of service to consumers. 1898 & Co. represents the consulting arm of the Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company and provides a wide variety of consulting services to utilities and industrial customers throughout the United States and abroad. Through a variety of technical studies and economic evaluations, the Grid Modernization and Distribution Planning service line within 1898 & Co. is helping shape the grid to meet the electricity needs of tomorrow.  Some examples of these services include:

  • Improving grid resilience through hardening, distribution automation, and strategic undergrounding

  • Holistic siting and evaluation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure

  • Fleet electrification strategy

  • Hosting capacity assessment and impact analysis of distributed energy resources

  • Development and implementation of non-wires solutions

This presentation addresses some of the ways in which 1898 & Co. is harnessing data, information, and technology to secure efficient and reliable operation of the grid.


Jeff Chapman, Consultant, 1898 & Co:

Jeff Chapman is a consultant with 1898 & Co with a professional background spanning over eight (8) years in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering. He has experience in multiple domains of the electric power system but maintains a focus in Grid Modernization and Distribution Planning, both leading and supporting an assortment of projects related to system planning and design, system model development and analysis, feasibility and impact studies for distributed energy resources, and arc flash hazard evaluation and protective device coordination. Jeff also frequently engages in utility economics analyses including cost of service studies, retail rate design/modernization, and infrastructure road-mapping. His accumulated professional experience has consistently required an ability to comprehend, process, and convey complex ideas in a manner that is easily understood by colleagues and clients alike.


Dan Ernstmann, Consultant, 1898 & Co:

Dan Ernstmann is a technical consultant with 1898 & Co. providing analytics and power system solutions to electric utility clients. He develops DER interconnection, distribution planning, and grid modernization solutions for clients across the United States through process management, electrification strategy, integration of new technologies, development and implementation of non-wires alternatives, and traditional grid planning. Dan is practiced in the application of technical research, notably DER interoperability and overhead distribution system lightning protection. He also has demonstrated success in business process development through design and implementation of workflow tools and automation for major US electric utility clients