SW MO IEEE April Speaker Meeting
Thursday April 20th Noon: Speaker: Mr. Chris Koenig from Paragon 360
SW MO IEEE Section Speaker: Paragon 360, Mr Chris Koenig : vTools Events
The link above is the formal IEEE vTools meeting notice for Thurday's (April 20th at noon) Section Speaker meeting with Paragon 360. Hope you can attend the event.
Chris Koenig, General Manager Paragon 360 will be presenting to our Section on Thursday April 20th, 2023. Paragon creates, designs and builds custom projects for organizations in need of specialized seating, lighting, acoustics, visualization and more. The projects require a wide variety of engineering and design skills to meet their customers desired needs and effects. See website above.
The meeting will be held virtually and our usual physical locations at the Plaster Innovation Center, 405 N. Jefferson Ave conf. room PCTR 2010, , College of the Ozarks and Joplin.
The virtual meeting info is below
` Zoom Meeting: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/94222152817?pwd=VHpSNU9GUldKKzRJTU01RGV2OFNyUT09