Engineers: Inspire Wonder

Engineers Week (Feb.18-24, 2018)

  • Celebrate how engineers make a difference in our world
  • Increase public dialogue about the need for engineers
  • Bring engineering to life for kids, educators, and parents

Engineers' Week is more than a week-long event, it is a year-round commitment to making a difference.

Missouri State University will be organizing 

  • Every year in February the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) hosts a “Discover Engineering” event targeted to elementary‐aged students and people elementary‐aged at heart. The event has many fun and exciting activities and demonstrations that illustrate different aspects of engineering.
  • February 17th 2018 from 11:00 – 3:00pm (visit at your leisure)
  • Located at MSU’s Plaster Center for Free Enterprise downtown Springfield
  • Parking off of Boonville Street approximately 406 N. Boonville
  • Free admission to all, no RSVP needed
  • If you have questions or are interested in having a display or booth contact:  Matthew Pierson at (417) 837-2320 or

Order their 2018 Engineers Week and Girl Day Kit today

National Inventor's Day

 Happy National Inventor's Day 2/11: At the young age of 12 years Benjamin Franklin invented the world’s first swim flippers, making him a great role model for every child who dreams of making something nobody has ever seen before. Over the centuries, other children have invented many other things we continue to use today, such as popsicles (yummm), the trampoline and ear muffs. Probably most noted invention by a young student is the language of the blind now used the world over, Braille. Louis Braille, its inventor, lost his vision in a tragic accident at age 3 and spent his early teen years developing his new language while studying at The National Institute for Blind Youth in Paris. Almost 200 years later, American teen Ryan Patterson also improved the lives of the disabled when he invented a glove with special sensors that translates the hand motions of American Sign Language into written words on a digital display.

In 1983 Pres. Regan proclaimed Feb 11th as National Inventor's Day. Thirty one years later we continue to honor ALL Inventors national and global scientists, engineers, physicists, even young students, continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. If we want technological progress and economic well-being we will dedicate a day to recognize these passionate inventors and continue to instill a passion for creativity and innovation.

Check out what this school does to promote inventing in the K-6th grades... They really live it day in and day out.

Also, check out what Missouri State University is doing to promote the entrepreneur spirit , The eFactory:

"Hidden Figures" Director, Ted Melfi: MSU Alumni

The new film, "Hidden Figures", which portrays "The story of a team of African-American women mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the US space program." (IMDB) was directed by an Ozarks alumni. 

The article below gives a look into Melfi's life and early work, including a film directed by Melfi here in Springfield, Missouri.

Nixa's 5th Annual Iron Chef Competition

On February 18, the fifth annual Nixa Iron Chef competition was held. Click here for the story published in the Christian County Headliner.

Join us at the Innovation Fair 2017!

Join us for a special event in the Library Center concourse where you can build, make and create. Plus -- meet makers and inventors from southwest Missouri. Makers of all types will host booths showcasing their projects, allowing families to experience art, mechanics, technology and more. Many exhibitors will offer hands-on and interactive opportunities to inspire you to become a maker! Families are encouraged to visit the Story Hour Room, where we'll have activity stations so kids can build, play and try their hands at coding.

Innovation Fair is co-sponsored by O-STEAM, coordinators of the Ozarks Mini Maker Fair. This event is made possible through a grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation through the Association for Library Services to Children, a division of the American Library Association.

Get your tickets now for the Maker Gala on September 9!

THE MAKER CELEBRATION GALA- Celebrating the creativity & innovation of our Makers—LIMITED TICKETS WILL BE SOLD!

The Pre-Party Celebration of Making- FRIDAY, September 9th 6pm-9pm

You have a unique opportunity to attend a VIP viewing on Friday, September 9th from 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. during the Fundraising Gala for participants to peruse the halls at the Springfield Expo Center meeting and talking with our outstanding “Makers” before the crowd arrives on Saturday.  This will have a more relaxed and close exposure to all the “Makers” and vendors participating.

Rather than have a sit down dinner Area “Food Makers” (food vendors) will be showcasing their expertise with regional quality products scattered throughout the venue.

The cost to attend is $50 and is a Fundraiser for The Ozarks SySTEAMic Coalition (O-STEAM) who is spearheading this audacious event.  The Gala Ticket will also get you into The Ozarks Mini Maker Faire on Saturday.  The funds will help support the event along with helping drive the mission of O-STEAM- helping to promote STEAM throughout the entire Ozarks region.

Won’t you please help us by attending this Fabulous Gala & celebrating the LOVE of “Making, Creating, and Inventing”!

Just click on our Eventbrite page and select the VIP Gala: (STILL IN PRODUCTION)

The Ozarks Mini Maker Faire 2016!

The “Call for MAKERS” is NOW open through August 1st!

ANNOUNCING: THE OZARKS MINI MAKER FAIRE will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 10a.m.- 5p.m. at the Springfield Expo Center.  It will be a family friendly event with all sorts of hands-on activities for makers of all ages.  There is also a MAKER Celebration Fundraising GALA (to support the event) the evening before (September 9th) from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. with Food/Drink Makers serving up yummy creations.  


Visit our website for more information:

Design-A-Bookmark Contest

The Library Center of Springfield is hosting their annual Design-A-Bookmark Contest! 

Contest begins February 1

Deadline for entries: March 15

Pick up any form at any Springfield-Greene County Library or the Mobile Library

+ Winners in each grade category will receive a $20 gift certificate to Hobby Lobby

+ First place winning designs will be printed on full-color bookmarks and distributed at the libraries and at community events throughout the year.

+ Winners will be announced during an awards reception at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 14 in the Library Center auditorium.

Kids & Teens can enter! Please contact the Library Center for more information at 417-616-0534