Ways to support The Ozarks SySTEAMic Coalition-- (O-STEAM)
Ways to support The Ozarks SySTEAMic Coalition (O-STEAM)
The Ozarks’ region only platform to showcase patients, techniques, procedures in the Business/Industry/Manufacturing, PreK-12th, Higher Education, and Afterschool/Informal Education sectors. Working together to STEAMify our region
O-STEAM is so grateful to our wonderful sponsors and partners that support us as we propel the STEM focus throughout the entire Ozarks region allowing us to continue to elevate and propel STEAM learning, quality programs, and initiatives which will benefit all youth (ages 2-92). This allows us to expand the capacity and diversity of The Ozarks’ STEM workforce pipeline and the general public while showcasing to the world The Ozarks CAN stand on the STEM dashboard internationally.
Here’s how you can help:
Become a business sponsor! Our business and industry partners help out in so many ways which allow us to build a stronger focused STEM community. If partners would like to sponsor current initiatives (meetings, conferences, science equipment/materials, or other initiatives and programs) or contribute to the Annual Fund, we are happy and grateful to have your support. For additional information contact: debwilson@osteam.org There are two levels of investment: 1) Visionary Leader- $1,000-Company logo placement on Sponsor/Partner website page and up to 8 Social Media Shout-outs per month, 2) STEAM Leader- $500- Company name on Sponsor/Partner website page and at least 3 Social Media Shout-outs per month.
Give a personal donation. No gift is too small! Click the link to give a one-time or sustaining gift at Community Foundation of the Ozarks (CFO): select “Other” then in the next field type “O-STEAM), type contact information, select donation investment or you may donate on O-STEAM’s website THANK YOU!
Present at a quarterly meeting! If you have great STEM/STEAM resources or information to share with teachers, students, families, Afterschool/Informal education programs or business/industry partners, we would love to give you a platform to share. Email debwilson@osteam.org
Amazon Smile: Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases— The Ozarks SySTEAMic Coalition whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. http://smile.amazon.com this adds no extra cost or difficulty to your purchase.
Let’s STEAMify the Ozarks and showcase all the creativity & innovation here!
Our mailing address is:
Attn: Deb Wilson
2911 E. Industrial Drive
Springfield, MO 65802
THANK YOU for your consideration
Chariman: Deb Wilson