Apply to be Part of a Regional Investigation
O-STEAM is seeking 2nd or 3rd grade classrooms for an investigation. PPE “Students as Scientist” TIME SENSITIVE project.
O-STEAM is inviting 25, 2nd or 3rd grade classrooms from different schools/districts (public or private) within the Ozarks region, the opportunity to do a 14-day experiment to determine if wearing a face mask really makes a difference in spreading germs and share the results with their classmates, school, and community. The results may be shared as word of mouth, design a persuasive safety poster, write a news article for school newsletter/newspaper, BLOG/VLOG, or other creative examples.
The kit will include a class set of 25 white cotton face masks, materials to individualize the students face mask, two petri dishes with ager, and a pre/post survey- of their perceptions concerning the significance of wearing/not wearing a face mask.
To apply or ask additional question: email Deb Wilson: listing district, school, number of students.
The kit would be delivered to the classroom/school the first week of January. The teacher would be responsible for carrying out the activity and submitting the results of the students’ surveys by January 25, 2021.
Additional information will be sent to those that apply.