Ozarks Tech awarded nearly $5.7 million grant

The Ozarks Technical Community College received a prestigious grant from The U.S. Department of Labor- $5.7MILLION.

This grant was the only one The U.S. Department of Labor awarded in Missouri. There were a total of $65 Million in grants awarded across the U.S. The largest was $5.75 million! These grants were officially announced on December 30, 2024.

 According to OTC’s President Hal Higdon, “Ozarks Tech is known for our leadership in high-quality workforce development, and we are proud to be included in this select group of recipients from across the county. It’s an honor to be recognized and entrusted with this award to continue to better serve the students and employers of this region.”

 This grant will create much-needed training facilities, provide tuition assistance to participants, along with much more.

 Read the full OTC article at:  Ozarks Tech awarded nearly $5.7 million grant from U.S. Department of Labor - News and Information